Why it is Still a Good Idea to Hire a Real Estate Agent

Why it is Still a Good Idea to Hire a Real Estate Agent

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In today’s market, there are so many options out there that allow homeowners feel as though they are in complete control of their real estate transaction. Unfortunately, in many cases, these “quick and easy” routes actually end up costing homeowners more in the end. While there is something to be said about using companies that allow you to list your home privately and use their resources, unless the involved parties are experienced in real estate transactions, knowledgeable of real estate law, or have a bunch of extra hours in their day to spend researching houses, using companies and websites such as these do not actually end up saving time or money. Here are a few reasons why, contrary to what might seem like a cheaper and easier way of handling a real estate transaction, working with a Realtor really is the best way to go.
Lack of Emotional Attachment
The reality is, that selling your home is an emotional roller coaster. To most people, it does not matter if their house needs work or not, their home is where they have made countless memories, and where they have watched their family grow – making it seem as though it is worth a whole lot more than it often is. It is the job of a real estate agent to understand the local real estate market, and to understand what will help a house sell, and won’t, and to help their clients sell their house. They do not have the emotional attachment to the house that their clients do, giving them an unbiased opinion, and a clearer vision of how the house will sell when compared to other properties on the market.
They Understand the Contracts
Real estate law is not something that only geniuses can understand, but it is something that can get you into trouble if you sign something that you do not fully understand. Having a real estate agent work with you, gives you a chance to have someone explain what it is you are agreeing to, or what is being asked of you.
It’s Their Job
Yes, hiring a real estate agent means that you have to pay for a real estate agent. That said, it is their job to find you the property that you are looking for. It is their job to sell your house. This means that they spend their workdays (and this often goes well beyond the typical 9-5 business hours) working for you. Researching houses for you, connecting with prospective buyers, find clients perspective properties that are not even on the market yet, home inspectors, sometimes they even end up standing in for you during a home inspection. Yes, it costs to hire a real estate agent, but unless you work in real estate, where are you going to find the time to not only research potential properties but handle everything else that goes along with it, in addition to the rest of your life?

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