Tips for Surviving a Home Reno

Tips for Surviving a Home Reno

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With the popularity of HGTV and home renovation shows, there is no shortage of people who dream of completely gutting a home and making it completely their own. Not only has TV romanticized this process, but it has also given buyers and fans more insight as to why a renovation might be a good idea. After all,  a renovation can add great value to your home, not only for resale but also for your own enjoyment as you benefit from living in your dream space.  However, it is the romanticized process that many people forget about. Living through a home reno is not an easy thing to do – especially if you have kids. So, if you are considering having a home renovation done, here are a few tips to help you survive the renovation process.

Set and Stick to Your Budget
When starting any kind of renovation it is absolutely crucial that you are realistic about what you can afford to spend, while also being realistic about how much renovations cost. In other words – don’t be afraid of the price tag. It is important to remember that by opting to spend more money on certain materials can give you a home that will last longer, saving you money in the long run.

As with anything you should always try to expect and prepare for the unexpected. When refinishing a basement, you might discover mold or cracks in the foundation, while not part of the original plan, those are things that cannot be ignored. So make sure you give yourself a buffer for any unexpected and costly surprises that might be revealed during your renovation.

If Possible, Life Off Site
Living in a renovation is without a doubt one of the most difficult things about a renovation. After all, a reno will bring about lots of stress and emotions, and even more so if you’re still living in the space, or are now living out of a single room while everywhere else is being worked on. If possible, budget to live somewhere else during the process. Not only will it be better for your relationship, and family, but it will also be better for your health. No one wants to be breathing in all of the demolition dust and VOC’s from the products being used.

Make Sure You Prioritize
When it comes to planning a renovation it can be easy to get caught up in choosing the finishing or the paint colors, but the reality is that there are more important things that have to take priority. In order to have a safe home, it is vital that you take care of the bones of your home first. Things like the structure, plumbing, electrical systems, or HVAC are what’s most essential to your home’s well-being. Think about it, what good is your dream basement if you have cracks in your foundation?

If your last renovation focused on the outside and you are now ready to take on another where you get to focus on beautifying the inside of your home, don’t cut corners to save money. If your dream countertops and tiles are still out of your budget range, continue to save your money and many just wait a little bit longer. Don’t put yourself through more renovations or changes that you have to. Do it right the first time around. Settling for anything less than what you want will mean spending money on a redo in the near future. Not only is this a waste of money, material and time.



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