When you decide to put an offer in on a property, whether for personal use or investment, deciding to put an offer in on a house can be a stressful time. Luckily, there are a number of things that you can do in order to help make your offer stand out above the rest, and increase the possibilities of your offer being chosen.
Go in without Conditions
There are few things that will improve your offer more dramatically, than going in at a decent price, and without any conditions. Going in without any conditions means that the seller does not have to worry about factors like home inspections, financing, or appraisal to go through. Now, that is to say that going in without conditions is always a good idea, home inspections are an important thing to have done in order to save yourself problems down the line. Depending on your situation, however, this can be a great way to make your offer stand out from the rest.
Find Out the Sellers Motivation for Selling
There are situations where people have to move in a short time span when this is the case, you can definitely use this to your advantage. For this reason, it is always important to speak to your real estate professional and ask them to find out anything that they can about the seller and their position. When someone needs to sell their home in a quick time frame, it is likely that you will be able to make your offer more attractive by making it a fast closing.
Be Honest with the Seller
Sometimes, you find a house, and you have an immediate connection with it. Maybe it reminds you of where you grew up, maybe it really is everything that you have ever wanted – your dream home, maybe it is in the location that you and your family need to be in due to personal reasons. Whatever the reason, sometimes writing a letter explaining that the house really is everything that you are looking for and that you feel like it would be ideal for yourself, and your family to grow into can make an impact on a seller’s decision.
Go in Above List Price
This is probably the best, and most obvious way to increase the odds of your offer being accepted. Going in at a price above what the seller is asking for is a great way to improve your odds, allowing you to buy your dream house. This can be tricky, however, as some real estate agents list houses at a lower price in order to drive interest, knowing that it is likely the house will sell for above list price. This method is also not always an easy option, as houses, in general, are expensive, let alone going in above someone’s asking price.
Thankfully, there are a number of options for people looking to attain their dream home. Just know that no matter what you do, you are responsible for holding up your end of the deal, so make sure that you are both able and comfortable with any concessions that you make in order to increase the appeal of your offer.