When Exactly Should You File an Insurance Clam, and How Do They Work?

When Exactly Should You File an Insurance Clam, and How Do They Work?

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If at some point your home is damaged or someone is injured on your property, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company. For first time homeowners or homeowners who have never had to file a claim, the process can be overwhelming. Luckily, there are a few easy steps that can make the process as easy as possible.
Read and Make Sure That You Understand Your Homeowners Policy
Your homeowner’s policy includes rules and procedures that both you and your insurance company must follow. Review your responsibilities, and you can follow the right steps to file a claim.
Contact Your Insurance Agent
Your insurance company may put a time limit for filing a claim; this limit ranges from 30 days to one year. Thus, the sooner you contact your insurance agent, the sooner you can begin the claim filing process.
If Necessary Find Temporary Housing
Homeowners policies provide coverage for the “loss of use” of a home, which means you’re covered if you need to relocate temporarily. In this scenario, find short-term housing and keep records of all additional expenses incurred.
Prepare a List of Damaged or Lost Property
Create a home inventory and photograph or videotape any property damage.
Get The Necessary Claim Forms and Paperwork
Your insurance company will provide you with claim forms after it receives notification of your claim. Fill out and return these forms as soon as possible to avoid potential delays.
Things to Remember When Filling Out Insurance Paperwork
Filing a home insurance claim may seem like a long, stressful process at first. Lucky for you, we’re here to help you streamline the process. Let’s take a look at five tips to help you file a successful claim:

Be 100% Honest
During the claim process, your home insurance company will review the extent and cause of any property damage or loss. Be honest when you describe property damage or loss to your insurance company, and you can reduce the risk that your insurance company will deny your claim.
Remember to Stay Patient
Your home insurance agent may try to convince you to accept a settlement early in the claim process. But a homeowner who takes a firm, patient approach to the claim process may be better equipped than others to receive full compensation for property damage or loss.
Track Everything
When it comes to a home insurance claim, it is always better to err on the side of caution. Therefore, you should keep track of all receipts for purchases related to property damage or loss and document all interactions with your insurance company throughout the claim process.
Remain Available
The claim process may require several weeks or months to complete. If you remain available to your insurance company, you can maintain ongoing communications with them until the claim process is finished.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to your insurance company for regular updates regarding your claim. A simple phone call or email can help you stay informed about your claim status and ensure your claim is processed in a timely fashion.



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