According to the United States census, there is more than 76 million baby boomers. This means that baby boomers play a large role in the real estate market. In the coming years, a large number of baby boomers will be in the market to downsize from the home where they raised their family to a smaller house or apartment where they can enjoy their next phase of life. This can be a stressful and emotional time for both the person considering selling their home and downsizing, as well as the family. Here are a few ways to assist those of the baby boomer generation to find the right home for the next chapter of their lives.
A Close Proximity to Family and Friends: Living in a close proximity to friends and family will increase the likelihood that baby boomers will have companionship and someone to care for them should the need arise. Finding a place that is in a relatively close proximity to their family and friends also makes it easier for baby boomers to remain a central part of their families lives, whether through babysitting, hosting holidays or simply being able to visit without taking a day long road trip.
Finding Storage When Downsizing: It does not matter who you are, moving – downsizing in particular – is an emotional process, and is so for a number of reasons, these reasons include the fear of losing the memories attached to the home and everything that the belongings within it contains. Pretty much every parent has a box that is full of notes, cards, artwork, macaroni necklaces, and other gifts and projects from their children and grandkids. It can be a great idea for those in the process fo downsizing to open a storage unit so that they can keep things with sentimental value even after they move.
Ease and Accessibility: The reality is that as people age, walking up stairs may become burdensome or even impossible depending on their health and situation. Houses or apartments that have ramps, stair lifts, or elevators are ideal for a lot of baby boomers that are looking for a new long-term residence. Similarly, make sure that all the housing you look at is wheelchair accessible, and that there are amenities such as grocery stores and banks nearby.
Finding the Right Neighborhood: This was touched on earlier in the article, but really needs to be kept in the forefront when finding a new home for a baby boomer. Ideally, the neighborhood will have classes and activities for the residents to enjoy. It will also be good to look for neighborhoods with good hospitals and doctor’s nearby. Additional attractive amenities include golf courses, grocery stores, diners, coffee shops and parks or greenspace.
Whether you are an agent, a friend, a family member or a baby boomer yourself who is considering moving, hopefully, these ideas will help narrow down the home search, and make the transition and downsizing a little bit easier.