Did You Know That You Can Update These Exterior Features with Paint?

Did You Know That You Can Update These Exterior Features with Paint?

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With the nice weather upon us, it is not uncommon to catch homeowners daydreaming of doing a major home makeover. However, one of the primary reasons that these dreams don’t come to fruition is the expected cost and undertaking that is involved. That doesn’t have to be the case though, did you know that all you need to handle transform many exterior projects is a coat of paint? Read on for great renovations and upgrades that can be completed with little more than some paint and a paintbrush.

 Your Front Door
Aside from the house itself, the first thing people notice when they visit, or even as they walk  by, is the entrance. If you want to give the exterior of your house a new look but a full-on overhaul is too big a job, you might want to consider revitalizing your front door with a fresh coat of paint. Now, this is a project that you will likely want to get done by a professional as it is not something that you will want to redo every year. The quality of the paint and the application process is extremely important in ensuring you get a smooth finish that won’t peel.

Don’t Underestimate the Impact a Freshly Painted Shed Can Have
Sheds are used to house some of your most trusted belongings — from lawn mowers and gardening tools to bikes and seasonal furniture. Unfortunately it is not uncommon that they do not receive the love and attention that they too deserve. A fresh coat of paint will be the motivation you need to get outside and open up your yard for spring and summer! If your shed is situated towards the back of your lawn, nestled among trees and flowers, take a walk on the wild side and paint it something unexpected and bright. Pick the right colors and it will make your garden feel playful and enchanting.

Update Your Siding
It is no secret that siding can start to look drab and faded over time, so painting it is a cost-effective solution. With a fresh coat of paint you increase the longevity of your siding while boosting your home’s curb appeal. There are a number of permanent factory-quality paint solutions for aluminum, vinyl and hardie-board siding on the market. They are able to give your home exterior a completely new look in just one day.

Did You Know That You Can Paint Stucco?
A textured surface like stucco will require the special attention of a professional to paint, however, the investment is well worth it. The nooks and crannies of stucco tend to fill with dirt and grime over time, which ends up leaving your home looking less than lovely. By treating and painting stucco, not only will the decade’s worth of dirt will be a thing of the past disappear but the new, vibrant color will give your home a pop of life.

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