
What Landlords and Tenants Should Know about San Diego’s Just Cause Eviction Law

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 10, 2018

In recent months, the City of San Diego has put into place what is called the “just cause” evictions. This was done as part of their newly updated rent control laws. This means that in order to evict a tenant, a landlord must have a just cause reason. According to Ordinance Section 37.9(a), there are […]

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Tips for Taking Care of Your Investment Property

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 8, 2018

The term landlord often brings up associations of greed, callousness and a lack of ethics. People imagine grumpy recluses who have no understanding of what their tenants could possibly being through who are solely concerned about the bottom line. The news headlines often paint an ugly picture of property owners turned landlords. It doesn’t have […]

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Buying vs Renting in LA in 2018

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 6, 2018

The obligatory question that the majority of renters are faced every year is whether or not they should rent or buy a home. Excessive 30 year home mortgages have been a thing of the past. Generations now are not interested in taking on such a large debt so early in their lives. Add to that […]

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Why You Should Consider Renting Your Home as Opposed to Selling It

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 28, 2018

So you have been faced with the difficult decision of whether to sell or rent your home or apartment. It is true, that the giant pile of cash that comes after selling can be tempting, especially if you have no idea where or how to start being a landlord. However, there are a lot of […]

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San Francisco Neighborhood Profiles

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 26, 2018

San Francisco is home to more than 35 official neighborhoods, many of which are well known because they are tourist attractions in and of themselves. These include Chinatown, the Castro District, Pacific Heights, North Beach, and Union Street. Along with this notoriety often comes exorbitantly high rent. Still, as you get to know the neighborhoods […]

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What Should I Know About Non-Traditional Lawns?

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 21, 2018

Over the last few years, low maintenance lawns have become increasingly popular throughout the State of California. For those who don’t know low maintenance lawns are typically made from a diverse mix of hardy and low-height turfgrasses and ground covers. They require less mowing fertilizing and watering than a conventional lawn, and in turn produce […]

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3 Debunked Myths About Millennial Renters

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 19, 2018

Millennials are often associated with negative connotations such as lazy, entitled, and financially risky. This is due in large part because millennials are the younger generation out of the four defined as millennials, Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent. Because of this many believe that people that fall within this age bracket (born between […]

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Can I Sell My Home if I Still Have a Mortgage?

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 14, 2018

The majority of people won’t live in the same home for 25 or 30 years, which is the typical life of a mortgage loan. So, when it comes time to sell, many homeowners still have mortgage debt to deal with. Once you signed your name on those mortgage documents you are responsible for paying back […]

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How to Make it Through a Rough Real Estate Buy

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 12, 2018

Odds are that you have suffered from buyer’s remorse at some point in your life. When it’s something like an expensive pair of sneakers or a new phone, it’s not so hard to get over. A house or piece of property on the other hand, well those are purchases that can be pretty tough to […]

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5 Common Myths Regarding Buying a Rental Property

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 7, 2018

Buying a rental property is a big decision, no doubt about it. But over and over potential buyers pay too much attention to these popular myths that just are not true. So, if you are thinking of buying a rental property, it is essential that you take the time and educate yourself with the right […]

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