
Tips for Any Homeowner Looking to Rent Out Their Home

Posted by Jason Buccola // August 13, 2018

The decision to rent out your home can be made for a number of reasons, maybe you have run into a cash flow problem and want to have someone else pay your mortgage, maybe you have to move but want to hold on to the property, whatever your reason is, there are a number of […]

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What are Home Buyers in 2018 Looking For?

Posted by Jason Buccola // August 8, 2018

If you are considering putting your home on the market there are a number of things that you need to keep in mind. As with all trends, what buyers are looking for in real estate in 2018 is not the same as what they were looking for even two years ago. So, how can you […]

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Why is a Home Inspection so Crucial?

Posted by Jason Buccola // August 6, 2018

When you make the decision to purchase a home,regardless of whether it is your first or your fifth, there is one critical step that has to be taken – a home inspection. If you are a novice home buyer or one that has been through the ringer before but is debating having a home inspection […]

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What are the Various Kinds of Homeowners Insurance?

Posted by Jason Buccola // August 2, 2018

When it comes to homeownership, home insurance is something that you absolutely need to know about. Understanding the many details about the types of homeowners insurance that is available is imperative when you are in the midst of shopping for the right policy. If you are unfamiliar with homeowners insurance you may find yourself overwhelmed […]

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What Does it Mean to Prequalify for a Mortgage?

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 31, 2018

If you have been pouring over your computer looking at the homes for sale and are hoping to purchase a house in the near future, then you need to get ready to begin the prequalification process. In order to get prequalified, you are required to supply the potential lender with your financial information. The prospective […]

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Understanding the Life Cycle of a Rental Property

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 26, 2018

For new and aspiring real estate investors taking on the job of landlord can initially be highly intimidating and daunting. However, it doesn’t have to stay that way forever. Like pretty much any other situation, time, planning, a rational state of mind and excellent communication skills can make all the difference as you make your […]

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What Should I Know About Buying a New Build?

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 24, 2018

For a lot of people, the idea of purchasing a brand new build is something to aspire to. Often new builds are thought to be extremely pricey. And why wouldn’t they be? They are basically a blank slate. They are a sleek and modern living in a place that no one has lived before. A […]

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2 Amazing Ways that You can Save for a Down payment When You Have a Small Income

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 19, 2018

Decades ago, the United States was known for the American dream. This concept of massive opportunity that anyone could achieve anything they want with hard work and dedication. The idea that anyone could find themselves living in a beautiful home in the suburbs with a big tree in the front yard, two cars, and a […]

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Backyard Upgrades that Add to the Value of Your Home

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 17, 2018

It is no secret that people love to spend time outside. Because of this making, the right changes to your backyard can really extend your living space and also increase the value of your home. That said, not everything you do in the yard will add to its value. While plenty of backyard upgrades are […]

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Tips for Dealing with an Awful Landlord

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 12, 2018

When it comes to the real estate business, people are often worried about dealing with horrible tenants. But there is another side to that, and that is having to deal with an awful landlord. If this is something that you are concerned about here are a few things to keep in mind. Educate Yourself in […]

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