
3 Tips for Keeping the Outside of Your House Looking Its Best

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 11, 2016

Whether you are considering putting your home up for sale, or you just want to make sure that your real estate investment is looking its best. Making sure that the outside of your home is well taken care of will go a long way in maintaining both the appearance as well as the value of […]

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California: One of Real Estate Investors Most Profitable Locations

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 9, 2016

Aside from being home to countless landmarks, breathtaking views, start-up companies, and of course Hollywood, the state of California has been and continued to be a state that embraces change, opportunity, and as surprising as it might be to some, real estate. Throughout the past 40 years, the state has outsized wealth growth for real […]

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Rent vs. Buy: Finding the Right Home for You

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 6, 2016

Without a doubt, one of the biggest debates when it comes to real estate is whether it is better to rent or buy a home. The reality of the situation is that there are both positive and negative aspects of both decisions and that when it comes down to it, the perspective buyer needs to […]

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Moving 101: Everything You Need to Know Before You Move

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 1, 2016

It does not matter who you are, the first time that you buy a new property and prepare to move in, is a scary time. There are a lot of things to get done, a lot of things to remember, a mountain of financial stresses, and then there are the plethora of emotions that tend […]

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Common Myths About Living within a Homeowners Association

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 29, 2016

  Like anything, living in a community that is a part of a homeowner’s association can have both its benefits and its drawbacks. On one hand, homeowners tend to benefit from the recreational opportunities, events, and overall appearance that homeowner’s associations tend to create and enforce. On the other hand, living in a community like […]

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How to Best Prepare Your Rental Property for Fall

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 27, 2016

If you are the owner of a rental property, you know that it is absolutely necessary that you treat it like the large financial investment that it is, and do what you need to do in order to not only maintain monetary its value but also increase it. With summer in full swing, now is […]

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Problems that You Might Face if You List Your Home for an Unrealistic Price

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 22, 2016

It seems like something simple, but what you decide to list your home for is often the first thing they see that creates an impression in their mind. For a lot of people, what a home is listed for will determine whether or not they even bother to check it out. For others will look […]

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7 Real Estate Associations that Landlords Should Know About

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 19, 2016

As with anything, the more educated that you are on a subject, the better off you are in terms of being able to make the best decisions possible. This statement is extremely true when it comes to making financial investment decisions, real estate include. As a landlord, you have invested a great amount of money […]

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How Does Owning Rental Property Impact Your Taxes?

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 13, 2016

Choosing to become an investor in a rental property, and taking on the role of the landlord can allow you to deduct certain expenses that are incurred from owning and maintaining the property. By utilizing the services of a qualified and highly experienced accountant and tax professional who understands real estate taxes you will likely […]

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Things to be Aware of in Order to Properly Build a Rental Portfolio

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 8, 2016

  Real estate and rental properties are popular options for investors that are not only looking to diversify their investment portfolios, but also earn long term income. In order to build a strong rental portfolio, there are a few things that need to happen. Without taking the time to properly diversify, and strengthen your portfolio […]

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