
California’s New Rent Control Bill: What You Should Know

Posted by Jason Buccola // September 25, 2019

Within the next few weeks, the governor of California is expected to enact rent control throughout the state by signing Assembly Bill 1482. Should this happen, the state would begin to regulate how much a tenants rent can increase every year, limiting it to 5 percent, plus the local rate of inflation. Once signed, the […]

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Which is Best, Wood, Brick or Vinyl Siding?

Posted by Jason Buccola // September 21, 2019

When it comes to choosing which exterior building, material is best to use, there’s no one right answer. It all depends on the location and style of your home. Wood Wood siding is beautiful, there’s no doubt about it. But would I clad my own home in it? Probably not. While there are a lot […]

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Will Hiring a Professional Photographer Help Your Home Sell Faster?

Posted by Jason Buccola // September 17, 2019

We have all heard the saying before, a picture is worth a thousand words. And, it’s definitely true when it comes to real estate. It would be almost impossible to fully describe a house without pictures. There’s just one problem; too often homeowners forget about picture quality. Not all images are created equal. Blurry or […]

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Home Improvements that Are and Are Not Doing If You are Moving

Posted by Jason Buccola // September 4, 2019

Homeowners who are getting ready to put their house on the market often think that they need to make some improvements to their home in order for it to sell quickly, and for top dollar. However, in many cases, while these changes might add perceived value to the current homeowner, prospective buyers are not always […]

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How to Effectively Save for a down payment

Posted by Jason Buccola // August 28, 2019

There are several ways that you can save for a down payment on a home. But which one’s work? Here we have put together a list of things that you can do that are proven to be effective in helping you to save for a down payment on a home. While we focus on that […]

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Should You Consider Downsizing?

Posted by Jason Buccola // August 15, 2019

Actively downsizing your home by choice – and not because you have to – can lead to much more than just the obvious financial benefits. If there’s anything we can learn from the recent minimalist movement lead by professional organizer Marie Kondo, it is that most people have much more than they need. Whether you’re […]

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How to Make Moving with Kids a Little Easier

Posted by Jason Buccola // August 7, 2019

Summer is here! For families, it’s the most popular time to move to a new home because school is out. If there is any comfort in togetherness, nearly 40 million of us move in the summer. Don’t feel alone, we’re here to guide you! It’s no secret, no one likes to move and that includes […]

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What are the Best and Worst States to Build a House In?

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 31, 2019

For many, building their own home is a dream that they one day hope to make a reality. However, there are pros and cons to building your own home – even for the most financially sound person. Obviously, the price is one of the factors that has to be firmly taken into consideration if you’re […]

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Tips to Avoid Being the Victim of a Real Estate Scam

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 24, 2019

Rental scams are far more common than we might think unfortunately, and if you are searching for a new home rental it’s important to be informed. Use these tips to make sure you don’t become the victim of a rental scam. If you are looking to rent, you can also rely on the reputable real […]

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What to do When You’re House Rich, Cash Poor

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 17, 2019

Moving into a new place often brings with it the idea of a fresh start and different experiences. However, it can also bring with it some real and often unexpected financial challenges. Paying movers, the cost of mortgage and rent, and (usually) new furniture can add up – quickly. If you find yourself in a […]

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