
Mortgage Insurance: An Overview

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 30, 2017

Say you purchased a home with a down payment that was less than 20% of the purchase price, or maybe you found yourself in a position where you had to refinance with less than 20% equity. While these situations are quite common, they are also the situations that lead to your likely having to purchase […]

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5 Things That Are Often Overlooked That Will Help You Sell Your Home Fast

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 29, 2017

So far 2017 has proven to be a great year for the California housing market. This is even more true for California homeowners that have properly prepared their home to sell. While there is an overwhelming amount of things to think about when selling your home, figuring out how to prepare it for listing doesn’t […]

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Tips on How to Pay Down Your Mortgage Faster

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 19, 2017

A mortgage is paid off through a mortgage amortization process over the lifetime of the loan in which each payment is first applied to interest accrued during the current payment period and then to reducing the outstanding principal balance. What a lot of people do not realize is that, if the mortgage interest rate used is above […]

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Why Move to Southern California?

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 16, 2017

Why are so many people drawn to California? What is it about the coastal lifestyle that has so many people looking to move there? It seems people always talk about how California is so congested, taxes are high, traffic jams suck, and the environment is not good for starting a new business.  Even with all […]

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How Should You Really Go About Pricing Your Home?

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 13, 2017

So you are considering putting your home on the market, but you are not sure how much it is actually worth. While you might have a general idea about a price range, but you want a more accurate understanding.Not too worry – you are not going to need to determine the price of the home […]

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How Much of a Down Payment You Need?

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 8, 2017

When saving to buy a home, it is absolutely crucial that you take into account the amount of money that will have to put down as your down payment. What is a down payment? A down payment is the chunk of your own money that you are able to combine with the money you take […]

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When Should You Really Hire a Credit Repair Company?

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 7, 2017

Like it or not, your credit score is one of the most important factors in your financial future. Without solid score things like getting a loan, securing financing, renting a house, and even buying a phone can becoming incredibly difficult and taxing. But what if you have bad credit because there are errors on your credit […]

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5 Questions to Ask Before Renting an Apartment

Posted by Jason Buccola // June 4, 2017

When hunting for an apartment, many renters end up falling into the same disappointing trap: They get swept away with visions of home décor, painting the walls, and having girls nights and parties every night, while completely ignoring the particulars like landlord rules and fees that can come back to bite them later on. So […]

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Where are the Best Areas to Live in California?

Posted by Jason Buccola // May 31, 2017

There are multiple reasons that 38.8 million people call California home. For some, it may be the dream of the Hollywood lifestyle or the desire to ride the ocean waves. For others, it might be the multitude of opportunities with one of California’s many techs start-up companies. Whatever the reason, one thing is clear – […]

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Is It Time to Update Your Rental Agreement? 3 Signs That it is Time to Review Your Lease

Posted by Jason Buccola // May 26, 2017

All around the country, spring is known as a transitional season for both real estate investors and tenants alike. The real estate market tends to pick up in March and continues to rise throughout the subsequent months, resulting in a greater number of real estate transactions, and an increased number of tenants who are looking […]

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