
Understanding the Difference Between a Buyers and a Sellers Market

Posted by Jason Buccola // August 1, 2017

When learning about real estate, one of the most foundational things that you can learn about is how to properly understand the difference between buyers and a seller’s market. When learning about real estate, it is crucial to remember that the property market is constantly changing. At times the real estate market is favorable to […]

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3 Side Hustles That Can Help You Save for Your Down Payment

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 28, 2017

For many people, saving for a home is one of the largest financial savings goals that they will have in their lifetime. In a society where everything except wages seems to be going up cost, many people, are turning to side hustles in order to supplement their primary incomes, pad their emergency funds, pay off […]

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How to Make the Best Real Estate Investment for You and Your Financial Plan

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 25, 2017

Investing in real estate can be a fantastic way to diversify your investment portfolio and create wealth for you and your family. Real estate investing also provides you with a variety of investment options, that can assist in not only gaining you profit but in getting you and your family on your way to meeting […]

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5 Common Misconceptions About Moving to Los Angeles

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 21, 2017

Every day it seems more and more people make the decision to pick up and move to the city of Angeles, also known as sunny Los Angeles. But it seems that for every Hollywood hopeful there are a plethora of nay-Sayers that have heard that life in Los Angeles is this or that, as opposed […]

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6 Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 18, 2017

Before you should finalize the purchase of your new home it is imperative that you have a home inspector take a look at the property you want to buy. This will help to ensure that everything is in good shape, and will provide you with the information that you need in regard to any repairs […]

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Budgeting Myths That You Need to Stop Believing In Order to Save for Your Down payment

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 14, 2017

When saving for a down payment, figuring out how to manage your finances is without a doubt the most crucial step in saving for your down payment. This means budgeting you money and figuring out where in your life you can cut back and save money. Yes, I said it, budget. The much dreaded budget. […]

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Easy Money and Energy Saving Tips for Home Owners

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 11, 2017

Regardless of whether you are a novice or experienced homeowner, owning your own home is a huge step, and is an exciting time of life. But with complete independence comes complete responsibility – you own the house and you have to pay all associated bills and upkeep. It is because of this responsibility and the […]

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Pre-Approval: What You Need to Know and How to Get It

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 7, 2017

When it comes to buying your first piece of real estate, it is not uncommon for novice buyers to have a lot of questions. One of the topics that many are unsure about in terms of legality, logistics and process is the mortgage pre-approval. Here is a breakdown of what you as a potential home […]

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Short Sales: Why Exactly Do They Take So Long?

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 4, 2017

A short sale is named that because the owner of the mortgage, usually banks, are shorted the full amount of the original loan through the sale. It is usually because the value of the home has dropped below the amount of the loan and the homeowners are unable to keep up with their scheduled mortgage […]

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25 Activities in Southern California That The Whole Family Will Enjoy

Posted by Jason Buccola // July 2, 2017

Southern California is a unique location that is home to several major metropolises like Los Angeles and San Diego. It is also home to a wide array of picturesque locations and landmarks, mountains, coastlines and desert that make amazing short and day trips for the entire family. Here is a list of activities in Southern […]

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