
What are Industry Insiders Anticipating for the Real Estate Market in the Coming Year?

Posted by Jason Buccola // December 19, 2017

It’s the time of the year when people within the real estate industry, as well as those considering investing in, or making a move within the real estate market, ask professionals to take a deep into their crystal ball to see what is on the horizon for the upcoming year. So, as 2017 draws to […]

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5 Ways to Kick the New Year Off Right for Your Home

Posted by Jason Buccola // December 15, 2017

2017 is coming to an end and 2018 is almost here! While you might consider making some New Year’s resolutions, you first need to think about your end of the year list. To get your home in the best shape possible for the new year, here are some important and efficient ways to get it […]

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6 Important Questions to Ask Before Signing a Lease

Posted by Jason Buccola // December 12, 2017

Are There Any Changes That I am Allowed to Make? Some landlords are pretty easy going when it comes to allowing tenants to add personal touches to their apartments. Sometimes being allowed to personalize the space also involves some work on the tenants end come to the end of their lease – for example, it […]

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6 Updates to Your Home that Cost Under $500

Posted by Jason Buccola // December 8, 2017

The family is coming into town and you’re thinking, what have I done with this place? Will they notice that you’ve changed the furniture layout in the living room? Or that you updated to LED light bulbs? What can you afford that will make a big impression? There are plenty of ways to upgrade your […]

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How to Avoid Piping Issues this Winter

Posted by Jason Buccola // December 5, 2017

Depending on where you are in the country, the winter season can be quite harsh. This is especially true if you don’t prepare your house before the cooler temperatures arrive, as this is when you are more likely to find yourself faced with a number of unwanted plumbing issues. Luckily, it’s relatively simple to prepare […]

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3 of the Top Home Buyer Turn Offs of 2017

Posted by Jason Buccola // December 1, 2017

Selling a home in today’s market can at times be more than a bit frustrating. There are all sorts of home staging and property preparation advice out there, and some of it seems daunting or impossible to follow unless you already have a serious savings set aside to whip your place into shape in a […]

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3 Ways to Find and Save Money for Your Down payment

Posted by Jason Buccola // November 29, 2017

Whether you are planning to put down a full 20 percent or pulling together the cash for a 5 percent down payment, your down payment could quite possibly be the biggest single cash investment that you ever make. For some, this involves scrimping and saving for years, while others are able to gather the cash […]

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What Should I Know About Disclosing Information Regarding the Home I’m Selling?

Posted by Jason Buccola // November 24, 2017

For many, one of the most dreaded parts of selling a property is the seller’s disclosure – that annoying document that asks you what often feels like an unending list of questions. How many ceiling fans are in the property, what’s the make and model of each appliance, how old is the roof, A/C system […]

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Should You Do Your Own Taxes, or Hire a Professional?

Posted by Jason Buccola // November 21, 2017

When it comes to deciding whether you should do your own taxes, or hire a pro, there are as many opinions as there are people it seems. Whether you feel better getting an accountant to go over all of your numbers, or you don’t feel comfortable letting anywhere near your paperwork, the decision and time […]

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What is the Difference Between Property and Real Estate Taxes?

Posted by Jason Buccola // November 17, 2017

With the holidays fast approaching, it won’t be long before tax season is in full swing. But, for first-time homeowners,’ this tax season will likely come with a number of questions. So, here is a look at the difference between various tax-related terms that often need to clarify and understood before tax season. Real Estate […]

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