
5 Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster

Posted by Jason Buccola // April 3, 2018

Purchasing a home is a huge milestone and a major accomplishment but paying off your mortgage as early as possible will be the best investment you can make. Recent surveys indicate that 68 percent of recent homeowners felt there was a strong chance they could pay off their mortgage earlier than their current amortization schedule. […]

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What are Some Benefits of Paying Off Your Mortgage Faster?

Posted by Jason Buccola // March 30, 2018

In our modern economy, it is not uncommon for citizens to be struggling to keep up with their mortgages and doing whatever they can to stay on top of their mortgage payments every month to avoid foreclosure. For many people, paying off their mortgages is not solely a goal, it is also a dream. Paying […]

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6 Tips to Make Your Spring Cleaner a Little Easier

Posted by Jason Buccola // March 21, 2018

After what, for many, has felt like a never-ending winter, nothing feels better than having a clean and sparkling home. However, in most cases actually jumping into a deep clean is another story. Here are some easy and simple tips that will help you to whip your home into shape without any stress. Carpets and […]

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Simple Landscaping Tips to Help Sell Your Home

Posted by Jason Buccola // March 20, 2018

A home can be the perfect blend of classic, modern and cozy inside, however, without curb appeal, potential buyers will lose interest before they even step inside. A beautiful, well-kept lawn is one of the first things people will notice. The good news is that upgrading an existing lawn does not have to take months, […]

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What Tax Breaks are First Time Home Buyers Entitled to?

Posted by Jason Buccola // March 16, 2018

For many first time homebuyers, purchasing a home can sound like an intimidating undertaking if you have never done it before. The thought of relocating and the level of financial investment gives many people anxiety. Thankfully, the federal government wants to make the process a little bit easier and less intimidating. They are doing this […]

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What is the Difference Between a Townhouses and Condos?

Posted by Jason Buccola // March 13, 2018

What is the Difference When it Comes to Ownership? Perhaps the most important difference between the purchase of a townhouse and a condominium is the ownership. Townhouse Ownership When you purchase a townhouse, you are taking on the sole ownership of the home, which includes the roof, and all of the land that lies below […]

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What are Some of the Best Cities in Southern California to Raise a Family?

Posted by Jason Buccola // March 9, 2018

If you were raised in Southern California, or are currently raising a family here, there are several reasons that you can consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Although there is a multitude of communities throughout Southern California that people are proud to call home, there are a few cities that really stand out as […]

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Posted by Jason Buccola // March 6, 2018

For a lot of homeowners, especially those with kids storage is a huge factor when looking for a home and one of the biggest problems that they have to face once settled. Follow these easy tips and you will be able to find some extra space and make the most of every room in your […]

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What is Modern Furniture?

Posted by Jason Buccola // March 1, 2018

If you have really spent any time in the design world, or even watched a few hours of HGTV you have undoubtedly heard the words “contemporary” and “modern” used to describe everything from architecture, to furniture, and everything in between. Often these terms are used in an interchangeable manner. But should they be? Is there […]

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Things to Consider Doing to Get Your Home Sold This Spring

Posted by Jason Buccola // February 27, 2018

With the busy spring selling season right around the corner, it is time to give your home the boost it needs in order to meet the high expectations of today’s buyers’. Take advantage of being inside during the cold winter months with these quick fixes that will help your property stand out from the competition, […]

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