Selling Your Home Throughout the Seasons

Selling Your Home Throughout the Seasons

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Choosing when to sell your home is among one of the biggest concerns that homeowners have. Aside from working on your life’s schedule (maybe you have to be in your new city for a job by the end of the month, or you’re moving to a new school district by fall) you also have to consider the benefits to moving at different points in the year. Many of us have heard that spring is the best season to sell, but what about the rest of the year?  Are there any benefits to selling in the winter? What about during the fall? Read on to find out what differences come with each season.

Spring – The Classic Go-To Season

Spring is considered as the busiest and most popular time to sell a home. Maybe this is due to the fact that it is traditionally a time of rebirth and new beginnings. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that our lives followed the cues of Mother Nature. Maybe the real estate market also picks up during the spring season because people realize that if they want to be settled before the new school year they ought to get their home listed – or risk spending their summer trying to sell, and sort out the final details, thus risking a relaxing vacation away with the family. Whatever the reason, spring certainly lives up to its reputation of being the busiest time of the year for real estate.

Summer – Moving Before School Starts

Selling your home during the summer months can continually have its benefits. For homeowners with kids, it gives a couple of months where the kids are not in school, allowing you to research, visit and settle into a new area and school district (if necessary). Because of this often the summer months start off with a strong follow up to the spring’s selling season, with lots of houses popping up on the market as quickly as they are being sold.

Another benefit to the summer is that often you are able to see what the neighborhood is really like. For example, if it is a family-oriented area you will get to see lots of children and families out and playing. When the weather isn’t as nice, often these benefits are not seen or at least experienced quite to the same extent.

 Fall – Getting Settled Before the Snow Falls

Although not as popular as the spring, fall tends to become one of the busiest seasons for those looking to sell their home. For some, it has to do with school having started and knowing that the snow will soon fall, wanting to be settled by the holidays. For others, it is the decision to start the new year off in a new home for whatever the reason. Selling in the fall can be wonderful as the crisp leaves and beautiful autumn color pallet bring out the best in almost every neighborhood.

Winter – Selling During the Holidays

Many people automatically assume that selling a home during the holidays is a big no-no. However, it can actually be quite helpful to a serious seller to list their home over their holiday season. This is because there is less competition, and only serious buyers are out looking. This means that you can ask top dollar for your home, and hopefully have it sold ina shorter time span.

As you can see, every season comes with its own benefits to selling your home. Be it the beauty of the neighborhood, less competition, or a feel of new birth and opportunity. Whatever time of year you opt to sell your home, we wish you good luck!


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