If you speak with any real estate agent, and they will tell you that there are certainly better times of the year to sell your home. But what is considered to be the best time of year to sell your home? Spring is the answer to that oh, so popular question, followed not so closely behind by early to mid-fall. This is particularly true for detached and semi-detached family homes, as unlike condominiums the curb appeal of the house itself plays a large role in a buyer’s decision of whether or not to purchase a home.
Preparing for the Summer Months
Most families have things that they like to do during the summer months, the kids are off school, the weather is great, and people are just itching to get to their cottage. Additionally, requirements for school registration and child care planning need to be dealt with as well. By selling your home during the spring months, you avoid having to deal with all of that in the midst of moving, and leave yourself and your family a summer to enjoy your new home, and relax.
The Best Time of Year to Sell Your Home is When it Looks its Best
Unlike the cold and dreary winter, spring brings the sunshine and a sense of change, and new life. Spring is when you begin to see leaves starting to grow again, and flowers slowly beginning to bud. Townhouses, semi-detached, and fully detached homes all tend to look their best when covered by rays of sunshine and freshly bloomed gardens. This time of year also allows potential buyers to see what they are getting in terms of your property and allows them to relax about any hidden surprises that they might not have noticed otherwise because of snow and ice. It’s also usually easier to get your home ready for sale at this time of year — from painting inside or out to the simple ability to keep the house cleaner without the winter muck being traipsed throughout every time someone walks through the front door. Just remember, when you sell at the busiest time of the year you will face more competition, so make sure your home shows at its best!
Much like the concept that spring provides of new life and change, the new school year brings new beginnings as well. While sales are less likely to involve a change of cities or even school districts, the sale of a family home in the fall is actually quite common and often involves the purchase by a neighboring or close by family.
The Problem with the Summer Months
If you are looking to sell your home towards the top end of your home or communities market value, the summer is not going to be the best time of year to sell your home. This is because houses that are more expensive require buyers that can afford them, and in most cases, those buyers are traveling or involved in a number of activities. More often than not, the more affluent buyers are not looking to purchase a home during the summer months.