So far 2017 has proven to be a great year for the California housing market. This is even more true for California homeowners that have properly prepared their home to sell. While there is an overwhelming amount of things to think about when selling your home, figuring out how to prepare it for listing doesn’t have to be one of them. Here are 5 things that are often overlooked that you can do to sell your home quickly.
Have a Pre-Inspection Done
Houses need work that is no secret, however, if your house needs work such as new siding, or a replacement pipe that can be daunting to a lot of perspective buyers- and can be trouble for you if you are not aware of it. By having a pre-inspection done you are able to fix what you can, but it also allows you to be honest with prospective buyers meaning only those serious will inquire further, and they won’t be able to turn around use it as an excuse to back out.
Do Touch Ups and Updates Where Needed
Depending on how your walls look you might not need to necessarily repaint your entire house, in a lot of cases a simple touch up will go a long way. This can definitely help in remedying situations where accent walls and brightly colored kids rooms need to be toned down. Additionally, touching up certain areas of the home like around the bathtub, toilet, or where pictures were previously hung can make a noticeable difference.
Do Not Under Estimate the Importance of a Deep Cleaning
While we all clean on the regular, it is not that often that we have the time or energy to give our homes deep thorough cleans, under the stove, behind the fridge, and under the couches are all prime examples of areas that for many people do not get cleaned on a daily or even monthly basis. When you are selling your home, you want it to look as if it is in as close to perfect condition as ever.
Many people forget that the outside of their home is what makes the first impression on anyone, from the person walking their dog down your street, to your children’s playdate, to a perspective buyer. By caring for your yard, making sure that walkways are in good condition, flower beds are full of bloom and the lawn is trimmed you will be providing everyone that walks by your home with a great initial impression of the entire property.
Have Professional Photographs and Videos Taken
Over the last few years, drones have taken the real estate industry by storm with their ability to provide unique and detailed photographs and videos of properties. In fact, the team at Buy with Baker Realty is the only real estate team in the Pacific Northwest licensed by the FAA to use a drone for their video and photography. This allows them to provide perspective buyers with video tours, neighborhood views, and great photos both inside and outside of the properties that they represent.