5 Things that are Commonly Forgotten About When Selling a House

5 Things that are Commonly Forgotten About When Selling a House

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If you are about to, or in the midst of selling your home,  you probably have a million things running through your mind that you feel as though you have to remember and do. But with so many things, odds are like with most people, one or two might just fall through the cracks, at least initially. Here are 5 things that are commonly forgotten about when selling a home.


Do Your Research and Ask Questions


When looking for an agent it is important to make sure that you are finding the right one for you. Make sure that you gather their references, and that you are comfortable and confident in your decision. This is a professional who is being hired to help you make one of the biggest transactions of your life, you have every right to be confident, and happy with your decision.


Remember that (Odds Are) You Are Not a Real Estate Agent


While it is important for you to be fully confident in your choice of agent, you need to remember that you are not an agent. You are not the one that is supposed to handle the legalities and the final paperwork. While there are some aspects such as pricing, that yes, you will get a say in, how fast paperwork can be processed, and the legalities that surround the sale of a house you do not.


Your best bet is to ask your agent to keep you as informed as possible, about all aspects of the sale, or pending offers. It is also a great idea for you to do your own research, a great way to do this is to speak with an agent to get an idea of what your home is worth, this will give you a better place to come from when helping to decide on your selling price, and other aspects that you are able to control.
Make Sure You Understand and Provide Any Tenant(s) Their Rights
Moving when you are a landlord can be tricky. It is absolutely necessary to know what rights your tenant has, and inform them of what is happening along with their options. Hearing that your landlord is selling the house that you live in can be extremely stressful for any tenant to hear, so provide them with as much information as possible, and make sure that they know they can contact you should any concerns arise during the process.
Make Sure That You Collect All Keys


It is always a good idea for someone that you love and trust to have an extra key in case of an emergency. However, it is easy to forget that they have that key when you are in the process of moving, so make sure that you gather any and all keys that you or anyone in your life has to your house.
Know the History of Your Home


If the house that you are selling has an exciting backstory or has been deemed a historical site by your city, it is important to note that and to make it known to all potential buyers.


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