5 Common Misconceptions About Moving to Los Angeles

5 Common Misconceptions About Moving to Los Angeles

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Every day it seems more and more people make the decision to pick up and move to the city of Angeles, also known as sunny Los Angeles. But it seems that for every Hollywood hopeful there are a plethora of nay-Sayers that have heard that life in Los Angeles is this or that, as opposed to taking the time to learn what life there is really like. As with anything, the misconceptions about moving to Los Angeles goes both ways and can be overwhelming if you do not take the time to sort through what is fact and what is fiction.

Here are 5 common misconceptions about moving to Los Angeles.

Everyone in Los Angeles Works in the Entertainment Industry
This has to be one of the most common misconceptions about life in Los Angeles. Not only is the city one of – if not the nation’s biggest manufacturing center, but it also has the country’s largest port in Long Beach. Other thriving industries include finance, construction, healthcare, tourism, education and tech services. Yes, Los Angeles is the place to be if your heart is set on working in film and television, but the city offers so much more than just the flashy appeal of Hollywood.

The City is Going to be Destroyed by an Earthquake Any day Now
Some people live in areas that are at risk of flooding, some hurricanes, some mudslides. In Los Angeles, small earthquakes do happen sometimes, but most times you cannot even feel them. Although, earthquakes are a risk of living there, is generally some sort of climate or weather related risk almost anywhere you live. To refuse to live there based on something that might or might not happen seems a little extreme.

Everyone in Los Angeles is Rude
This is a bit of a generalization – there are rude people everywhere, just like there are sweet and funny people everywhere. Really it comes down to who you surround yourself with.

Everyone There is Gorgeous
Yes, there are many beautiful people in Los Angeles and they can often be found in upscale nightclubs, high-end stores, and shopping areas. But there are also lots of ordinary people that make the effort to look their best. That leaves the majority of the population just as awkward, overweight and ordinary as the rest of the country.

The City is Smog Filled
This one is based on the fact that in the past, Los Angeles had a serious issue with pollution, and yes if you visit in summer or early fall, you might run into some smog over LA, but it is not nearly as bad as it used to be. From December to May the city of Los Angeles has plenty of clear blue sky days. When flying to the city there is an easy way to tell if you will be landing on a smoggy day: if you are looking down on an orange brown haze when you fly into the city, be prepared for smog. However, if you can see the ground from the air, or the cloud coverage is white, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

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