Deciding to purchase a house is a major step, in the majority of cases, and extremely emotional one. Once you fall in love with a house it can be hard to understand and accept that it might not really be worth all of the time, money, and stress that often go along with hoping to your offer accepted. While this can be difficult to accept, especially when the house search has already been tough, sometimes as much as you might want to fight for a property, it just is not worth it. Here are 4 signs that it might just be time to walk away from a home purchase.
The Home Inspection Leaves You Concerned
Every home you buy should have a home inspection done. This ensures that you are aware of any problems within the house such as electrical, plumbing, or foundation issues. If your home inspection report comes back with a lot of problems you really need to consider what it will cost you to have the problems repaired, if they need to be repaired immediately, and if you are comfortable to handle any upgrades or repairs needed.
It is a Joint Purchase but the House Does not have Support of Both Parties
Buying a house with someone is a huge investment, not only financially, but in the relationship. Whether you are a couple, or you are buying a house with a family member, the reality is that both people are putting in a large amount of money. In addition to the money that is invested when buying a home, purchasing a house with another person puts a whole new strain on the relationship, and can cause problems when not careful. In order to avoid a huge mess, both parties should be complete, 100% sold on the house prior to purchasing, and after the home inspection has been done, and the results have come in.
It is Beyond Your Realistic Budget
It is important to know what the maximum amount that you are comfortable spending is. Without knowing what your actual budget is, or without sticking to it you are risking putting yourself in a tough spot. Situations also arise at times where you end up in a multiple offer situation, if you are considering a house that is listed right at the top of your price point, you are risking be pushed greatly over that should a situation like this arise.
You are uncomfortable with a Compromise Related to the House
Finding your dream house is not an easy thing to do, everyone has a wish list. For some that list might include a specific neighborhood, a specific number of bathrooms or bedrooms and a sizeable backyard. It is necessary that you know what you want as well as what you need, and be able to determine between the two. It is natural to have to make some compromises, however, if you have to make one that impacts what you need versus what you want, you might want to reconsider. Purchasing a house is a huge investment and one that you should be excited about, by compromising on something that you are not comfortable compromising on you risk regretting your decision rather than loving it.